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Our Story

Every person, every company, has a story. By sharing the stories, we get to know the real company/people behind the name, the walls, the buildings. Here, we share with you our story, and we look forward to learning your story soon.


Shanghai, China




Cary, NC, USA

Shenzhen, China


San Francisco, USA

The Visit

It was a hot humid day on August 11th, 2001 in Shanghai, China. After years of absence from the city, I revisited this childhood place. Driving to the center of the city from Pu Dong International Airport, the bustling city scene, the new buildings, and the obviously affluent people on the streets impressed me…

Back at homes of ever-caring aunts, uncles and friends, they all felt that it is their duty to take care of me. In their eyes, I was still only 19, the age at which I left Shanghai. So, I was ushered into reflexology office, "forced" into drinking herbal teas to increase energy, fed a special milk-based yeast drink developed by a Tibetan monk centuries ago, taken to a spa for a weekend of rejuvenation and pampering…

Everywhere I went, I noticed the outdoor neighborhood exercise facilities, people doing Tai Chi or ballroom dancing (exercise) in the greeneries throughout the city. When asked what people want these days, from the US, "American Fish Oil". "Canadian Lecithin", came up again and again. Proudly, people would show me the familiar USA made multi-vitamin brand that's now a familiar name in Shanghai.

This was a long way from the China I knew before immigrating to US. At that time, meat, sugar and oil were rationed, and people were stressed with not having enough daily rice. Now, all this new life style fascinated me. At the same time, I was fully aware that there is a shortage of quality all natural wholesome supplements on the market. There is also a need for more education on how to improve the quality of life with the ever-increasing stress as a result of all the moderation. "If only there is something I can do…" A seed was planted in my mind, not fully aware of it myself.

The Meeting

August 26th, another hot and humid day, this time, back home in Cary, North Carolina, by chance, I was introduced to Dr. Jing Zhou.

When Dr. Zhou and I met, it was like two old friends being reunited after a long absence. Dr. Zhou was charged with the honor of coordinating a group of overseas Chinese to attend a high tech conference in Shenzhen, China. It was a by invitation only event, and I jumped on the chance, without fully realizing how this event will change the course of my life and many others along the way.

The Conference

October 12th, while in the southern China city of Shenzhen, I met with many others both from China and overseas Chinese attending the same conference. We all had similar ambitions. With that as the common bond, we all made friends fast. A few became very dear and near to my hearts. One of those was Michael Chu, from the Silicon Valley group of overseas Chinese. We stole time from the busy schedule, and shared much quiet times, exchanged our goals and dreams. We talked about the new Pacific economy, and how can we contribute in the process. We asked question "What can we do?" We both made an impression on each other, unknowingly, wanting to join forces to impact the world and make a difference.

Another chance meeting?…

In The End… or is it the beginning

It is now wintertime back in the US . The wind is chilly, and the weather is cold, but the phone lines were burning hot, where Michael and I had discussions again and again. Our friends rallied around us. With the help of all who shared our dream, we crystallized our vision and cleared our field for actions.

A new chapter was opened for AsiaBizCo, LLC. To the untrained eyes, it was born out of a series of seemingly chance encounters.

To us, it is destiny in the making…

We are continuing to make new friends, share our vision, and write up new chapters of our story. We invite you on the journey, explore out site, share your dreams and visions with us, and make us part of your story.


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